Research & Conference

Peer Reviewed Papers & National/International Conference Presentations
Ramm, M., & Shannon, K. CAT within forensic settings: An overview. The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Analytic Therapy (2022).
Goddard, N., Wright, C., Bramwell, R., Shannon, K. (2019) Detecting child sexual abuse in perpetrators: the effects of perpetrator age and of training on observers. Child Abuse & Neglect. In Press.
Shannon, K & Parry, G (2017) An evaluation of the use of cognitive analytic concepts in organisational service delivery for clients with multiple complex needs. Society for Psychotherapy Research UK & European Chapters 4th joint conference Oxford, UK, 2017
Shannon, K. Butler, S., Ellis, C. McLaine, J. and Riley, J. (2017) ‘Seeing the unseen’ – Using Cognitive Analytic concepts to enhance service delivery at YMCA Liverpool to support organisational and team working with multiple complex clients. Reformulation Issue 48, Summer.
Shannon, K & Pollock, P. (2017) Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) In: Individual Psychological Therapies in Forensic Settings. Editors Jason Davies & Claire Nagi. Routledge.
Shannon, K. Butler, S., Ellis, C. McLaine, J. and Riley, J. (2016) ‘Seeing the unseen’ – Using Cognitive Analytic concepts to enhance service delivery at YMCA Liverpool to support organisational and team working with multiple complex clients. Reformulation Issue 48, Summer.
Shannon, K (2016) CAT supervision in forensic practice: working with complexity and risk. In Cognitive Analytic Supervision: A relational approach Edited by Deborah Pickvance. Routledge.
Shannon, K. Butler, S., Ellis, C. McLaine, J. and Riley, J. (2016) Use of Cognitive Analytic Concepts: A relational framework for Organisational service delivery and working with clients with multiple complex needs at the Liverpool YMCA. Reformulation Issue 47, winter.
Shannon, K., Pearce, E. & Swarbrick, R. (2013). Factors Influencing the Development of anInnovative Service for Women Non-Offending Partners (NOPs) of Male Sexual Offenders. Journal of Sexual Aggression. Vol. 19, No.3, 357-368.
Pollock, P., & Shannon, K. (2013). Keynote Address. Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) in Forensic Practice: Reformulation of the Capacity to Harm. 20th Annual ACAT National Conference CAT and Ethical Practice: Maintaining our Professionalism and Humanity. Reading, Berkshire.
Shannon, K., Pearce, E. & Swarbrick, R. (2012). Factors Influencing the Development of an Innovative Service for Women Non-Offending Partners (NOPs) of Male Sexual Offenders. Journal of Sexual Aggression. October 2012, pp1-12, iFirst article.
Shannon, K., & Swarbrick, R. (2010). A Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Framework for Bipolar Disorder. Reformulation. June.
Shannon, K., Spence, C. and Jellicoe-Jones, L. (2009).Evaluation of Lancashire & Cumbria Forensic Consultation Clinic. Unpublished.
Shannon, K. (2009). Using What We Know: Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Contribution to Risk Assessment. Reformulation. December.
Shannon, K., Spence, C. and Shaw, J. (2009). Sharing practice and providing Multi Disciplinary Forensic Consultation: An evaluation of an innovative service developed to support adult services to assess and manage service users who pose a risk to others in the Community. Unpublished.
Shannon, K. & Swarbrick, R. (2009). Cognitive Analytic Therapy & Bipolar Disorder. International CAT Conference, June 2009. University of Bath. UK.
Shannon, K. & Spence, C. (2009) Community Forensic Psychology Service (CFPS) Evaluation of Service Provision 2005-2009. Unpublished.
Shannon, K. & Swarbrick, R. (2009). Cognitive Analytic Therapy, Bipolar, Offending Behaviour and Risk. Division of Forensic Psychology Conference, UCLAN.
Swarbrick, R. & Shannon, K. (2008). Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Bipolar Disorder. New Innovations in Bipolar Disorder. Division of Clinical Psychology conference, British Psychological Society. Poster presentation. December 2008. London.
Shannon, K. & Swarbrick, R. (2008). Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Bipolar Disorder. ACAT North conference: Innovations in Clinical Practice. Poster presentation. June 2008. Manchester University.
Addy, K., Shannon, K. & Brookfield, K. (2007). Theory of Mind Function, Motor Empathy, Emotional Empathy and Schizophrenia: A Single Case Study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Volume 18, Issue 3.
Shannon, K. & Potter, P. (2007) Restoring a Dialogue with Hope: Using a Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) Approach for Reformulation and Relational Approaches with Men, Violence and Complex Personality Disorders. Paper presented at the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy 16th Annual International Conference Hope and Hate – Working with the Forensic Patient. March 2007. Oxford University, UK.
Shannon, K. & Potter, S. (2006). Using Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) to Address the Narcissistic and Borderline Processes Associated with Male Violence. Paper presented at ‘The Wounded Child – Witnessing the Narrative across the Lifespan’ International CAT Conference, June 2006. National University of Ireland.
Shannon, K. & Potter, S. Top Dog and Bottom Dog: Common Factors of Understanding and Working Psychotherapeutically with Aggression, Arrogance and Vulnerability. Paper presented at counselling conference: Masculinity and Therapy, June 2006. Liverpool Hope University.
Potter, S. & Shannon, K. Versatile Therapy Introducing Cognitive Analytic Therapy’s Integrative, Adaptive and Relational Understanding of Psychological Therapies. Paper presented at Advances in Clinical Practice and Thinking 17th Annual Clinical Conference, July 2006. Ambleside, UK.
Shannon, K., Willis, A., and Potter, S. (2006). Fragile States and Fixed Identities: Using Cognitive Analytic Therapy to understand Aggressive Men in Relational and Societal Terms In Cognitive Analytic Therapy for Offenders: A New Approach to Forensic Psychotherapy. Edited by Philip H. Pollock, Mark Stowell-Smith, Michael Göpfert.
Shannon, K. (2002). Using CAT to Understand Aggressive Men in Forensic Settings. Unpublished Essay. Submitted as part of CAT North practitioner training, Manchester.