CAT skills Case Management 6 Month skills courses for Liverpool YMCA
DKSA provision of Association Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT) 6 month CAT skills Case Management courses working with at Whitechapel and Shap (2022-2023).
Whitechapel Centre is a homeless and outreach service located in Merseyside.
We supported and trained 12 managers in 12 services within Whitechapel and Shap to enhance relational care and staff support in accommodation based and community services for people who are rough sleepers and street drinkers, people at risk of homelessness, and homeless families, as well as service user engagement, women’s pathways, and volunteer support.
DKSA provision of 2 day introductory Principles in Association Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT) (from 2019-ongoing)
CAT colleagues and I have provided CAT introductory training for all support staff at Whitechapel, plus reflective practice sessions for support staff, managers, and directors and team reformulation of their Harm Reduction Service
DKSA provision of Association Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT) skills Case Management 6 Month skills courses for 4 cohorts from Liverpool YMCA (2014-2020)
Training and supervision for Liverpool YMCA Accommodation Based Service for people with multiple and complex needs (MCN) including homelessness/rough sleeping, substance use, mental health and offending; in addition to long-term physical health conditions and personal care needs.
Working with Liverpool YMCA using CAT as an organisational and case management framework to help YMCA staff, teams and managers to enhance care and support client transition, community integration and independent living.
Feel free to contact us for details of all CAT training and bespoke training.